Best Sommelier Of the world

corporate video


‘The Best Sommelier of the World’ is an exciting competition organized by l’Association de la Sommellerie Internationale. The title of ‘Best Sommelier of the World’ is not easily acquired. As the competition is fierce, and the various assignments are nerve-wracking, contestants worldwide have trained their senses to take a shot at the prestigious title.


Our team installed a multicamera system to record every detail of the competition. This ensured complete coverage of the sommeliers’ performances and the judges’ reactions. 

This event was then shared with the world through a live streams, allowing wine enthusiasts everywhere to experience it. Yet, a captivating after-movie summarizing the competition’s highlights was created to celebrate the crowning of the Best Sommelier of the World.

Agency – Montana Media
Client – Balthazar Events
Duration – shortform and longform content 
Our contribution – multicam recording, post-production