Zixuan Li - Do You Play

Music Video


We provided production services to Chinese singer Zixuan Li for her single “Do You Play”. Zixuan Li wanted to add a unique flavor to her clip by choosing Morocco as the setting, in particular the sites of Chefchaouan and Casablanca. The challenge was to incorporate these places into the story to give her music an eye-catching visual aspect. From the dreamy blue alleys of Chefchaouan to the streets of Casablanca, we selected Moroccan backdrops that perfectly captured the song’s playful energy and cultural fusion.

Navigating film regulations in a new country can be tricky. We took care of all the necessary permits so that Zixuan and her team could focus on their creative vision.  In addition, our production management services ensured that every aspect, from talent coordination to equipment logistics, was handled with precision.

Client – Taihe Music
Local production – Ozz Films
Location – Chefchaouen & Casablanca
Services – Line producer, production management, location scouting, film permit